About Tweens, Teens
Triple P – Positive Parenting Program has several options for Rowan County residents raising Tweens and Teens. Choose the one that fits your needs. From just a little help to all the strategies the program has to offer, we’ve got you covered.
All programs and materials are provided at no charge.
1-Hour Seminars:
Simple PowerPoint presentations and discussions that go over the basics of getting tweens and teens to reach their potential and be good people. These can be done in-person or virtually via Zoom. Individuals and groups may request one, and it will be scheduled at your convenience.
Choose one, two, or all three topics. Email your request here indicating which seminar is needed.
1) Raising Responsible Teens – Ways to encourage cooperation and responsibility at home
2) Raising Competent Teens – Promoting self-discipline at school
3) Raising Connected Teens – Helping 10- to 16-year-olds develop social skills and good citizenship
Ask how you can bring these programs to your congregation, business community, school, or organization.

Personal Sessions:
Margaret@terriehesscac.org; indicate child’s name, age, and behavior of concern)
Individual Teen Triple P is a private, fairly quick way to get support for the exact parenting problem or child behavior issue you are having. You (and your partner, if possible) meet with a Triple P provider virtually, via Zoom, or in-person three or four times, depending on what you feel you need:
Session 1 takes about an hour; you’ll learn common parent traps and how to track the behavior you want to change.
Session 2 is about 45 minutes; you’ll set goals for improvement and we’ll discuss Tip Sheets with suggestions on how to prevent and correct the behavior/s.
Session 3 will be about 30 minutes to see how your strategies are working and if tweaks are needed
If needed, Session 4 will take about 20 minutes, just to be sure you’re confident about your new skills. The tip sheets are yours to keep to remind you of the strategies you’ve chosen in your parenting plan.
Teen Discussion Groups are one-time workshops for up to 12 people on issues that are common for most families. Includes a workbook. Meets in person or via Zoom for an hour and a half on one of four topics:
- Getting Teens to Cooperate — Teens typically don’t like being told what to do. So how do you get them to do what you’d like?
- Handling Teen Emotions — Teens can become emotional very quickly, sometimes about little things. Learn ways to turn down the emotional temperature in your home.
- Family Conflict — If you have more than one tween and teen, and they seem to be at odds often, try this workshop for helping them manage disagreements better.
- Life Skills/Risky Situations — Learn ways to allow tweens/teens more freedom, but on terms that make it more likely they’ll stay safe, and will know what to do if things don’t go as planned.
Workshops are scheduled on-demand, and can be requested by individuals or groups.
Organizations may choose to host a session on one, two, three or all four topics, spaced out over a period of time.
Register here for any upcoming workshop for ages 11 – 16.
Group classes
If your 10- to 16-year-old shows several challenging behaviors, consider joining an intensive Group Class.
Over a total of eight weeks, learn all of the strategies Triple P offers for living in harmony with a tween or teen. Classes meet once a week for two hours, in-person or virtually using Zoom for four consecutive weeks, followed by three weekly phone sessions, then one final class to close out the program.
Class 1: Common reasons tweens and teens behave as they do.
Class 2: Building a better relationship; ways to get more of the behaviors you WANT.
Class 3: Strategies for managing misbehaviors.
Class 4: Planning ahead for risky situations.
Sessions 5, 6 & 7 are via phone to check on your plans and tweak them as needed.
Class 8: Helps you apply what you’ve learned to unique situations; self-care.
Classes are scheduled to begin each January, April, July, and October. Registrations are accepted all year. Classes include workbooks and are scheduled for mornings, afternoons, or evenings, depending on when most interested parties are available. Please make your preference known.
Register here for group classes about 11- to 16-year-olds.
For Parents
Smart Phone Issues: (The Social Institute)
Common Sense Media: Age-Based guides
Why Can’t I… teen explaining why not to do substances, etc. (NIDA/NIH)
Teen Activities:
Ideas from Harvard Center on the Developing Child
17 Things for Teens to Do (17 Teen Activities)
Sign up for the Youth Council of YSUP Rowan (Youth Substance Use Prevention)
Teaching Tweens & Teens about Money Management (credit card.com)
How Much Sleep is Enough? — Sleep Foundation
iChill – Strategies for Calming our Kids and Ourselves — Trauma Resource Institute
Gun Safety (BeSMART.org)
SmartPhone Issues — The Social Institute
Common Sense Media — Age-Based guides
Strategies for Working at Home with Kids (Psychology Today )